What's New in July: RCS, Voice, and Contacts Updates

Contacts 📞

  • We've updated the contact display to show names in the format "Lastname, Firstname". This should make it easier to quickly identify your contacts if you prefer to sort by lastname.

Developer Dashboard 🤖

  • We've added a new feature to the debugger that allows you to search for mails by the ID of the SMS/RCS. This should make it easier to troubleshoot SMS-related issues.
  • We've also fixed some pagination issues in the debugger, so you should now be able to navigate through your data more easily.


  • We've added a new feature that allows you to use RCS SMS fallback. This means that if a recipients handset or the destination network doesn't support RCS, we automatically send a SMS with the content of the RCS of with a link to a webview.

Voice 📞

  • We've added a new API endpoint that allows you to cancel a call. You can find more information about this endpoint in our documentation: https://docs.seven.io/en/rest-api/endpoints/voice#hangup-a-call
  • We've also added two new features to show who hung up and display SIP hangup status (e.g. unallocated_number). This should provide more visibility into the status of your calls.

Other minor Updates 🔄

  • Fixed an issue with 2FA login, so you should now be able to log in securely without any issues.
  • Resolved an issue where some IT mobile numbers were incorrectly detected as fixed_line numbers. This should improve the accuracy of your number detection.
  • Fixed some issues on reseller sites, so you should now be able to use our platform without any hiccups.
  • Merged the two pages replies and inbound messages, and added pagination and many UI improvements to the inbox. This should make it easier to manage your messages and stay on top of your communication.
What do you think about this update?